About the origin of our fur products

Sustainable and socially responsible are the main points of our products. This of course also applies to our fur products. When it comes to the origin of the skins, we ensure that only skins are used if the animals died a natural death and/or were slaughtered for consumption. We strictly reject any other reason and are not prepared to support this in any way
A few facts: Alpacas are wild animals that live freely in herds in nature. Even if the animals in Peru have an owner, they live wild as they have for centuries, without shelters, stables, etc. Due to climate change, Peru has been suffering from increasingly frequent extreme weather events in recent years, including heavy frost and snowfall, which means that the alpacas are no longer able to live in the necessary conditions Find food on a large scale and many older animals and also weak young animals die more frequently. The majority of alpaca owners in Peru are simple farming families living in poor conditions who make their living by selling the animals' wool. These families generally cannot afford supplementary feeding in poor conditions. Until a few years ago, the loss of an animal meant an enormous loss of income for these families that lasted for years because they could no longer sell the animal's wool. The animals were burned. This difficult situation for alpaca farmers in Peru gave rise to an initiative by alpaca wool producers who decided to buy up these dead animals and reuse their fur. The farmers' losses could be significantly reduced and they can often buy a new animal within a short period of time. There are now a large number of different products such as shoes, blankets, pillows, jackets, fur animals and much more that are manufactured sustainably and in a socially responsible manner. We at MILLWA have also committed ourselves to this initiative and provide a manufacturer's guarantee for every fur product we produce. 
Our premium products in the fur collection in particular are created in cooperation with a manufacturer who can look back on many years of cooperation with small farming families and who allows a portion of every product sold to benefit this family and their alpacas. We are extremely proud to have become part of this very special initiative!